Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Can't believe she is 9 months old!

 It is hard to believe my little girl is already 9 months old. We have been busy at the Lupov household. Avery is changing every day and requires more of our attention/entertainment. She is a great, happy baby. She still loves to sleep and has become a big fan of eating food. She is rolling in all directions but is yet to discover crawling. She loves to sit on the floor and play with her toys. We have taken her out in the jogging strolled several times and she loves the outdoors - we are ready for warmer weather. She is starting to find her voice and likes to just talk to herself. She loves her daycare - always ready to give the ladies a big hug when we arrive in the morning. She is becoming a little lady and we just keep falling more in love with her. Ivan and I have both been surprised how much we enjoy being parents. 

Avery loved Petco - it is like a mini Zoo. 
New Summer Hat

Ready to Run
Hair after pig tails

What a face! 
Shopping with Mommy! Already trying to get my credit card.

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Daddy's Girl

Avery definitely loves her Daddy. I think as she is able to interact and play Ivan just has more and more fun with her. Ivan has been feeding her in the mornings several days a week and drops off and picks up from daycare. He also puts her bed on Tuesday night because I have to work late. Tuesday night is Avery and Daddy night. Avery and Daddy are very good at sending me pictures to keep me updated on their play time. I thought I would share a few shots that I have enjoyed over the past several weeks.