Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Just want to share some cute pictures!

I just couldn't help but share these pictures! Avery likes looking at the camera! 

Thursday, October 17, 2013

It has been too long!

I have been very bad at posting over the past month but things are starting to quiet down here at the Lupov house.  Since the last post Katherine and Talia got married, Ivan's mom came to stay for 4 weeks, I went back to work, Ivan completed another block of medical school, and Avery started daycare. All of these events were exciting and great but the month was a bit on the overwhelming side. 

This is Avery's second week in day care and she is doing great. She enjoys watching the older kids play. Today she took a 4 hour nap at daycare - we have a champion sleeper on our hands. She had to go for her 4 month vaccinations on Tuesday so she has been recovering with sore little (chubby) legs. We love the daycare and I know Avery is going to fit in so well. 

Avey has changed a lot since my last post. She is so much more interactive and is developing her own little personality. She is usually calm and cool but when she gets mad or is unhappy she sure does have a temper and she will let you know. She is starting to have more of a voice and is discovering all the noises she can make. She is yet to roll over but has been in a different direction multiple times when we go to wake her up in the morning. She is changing so quickly and becoming such a little lady, she is so much fun! 

Lookin' at you Dad

Causing trouble already

Check out my tongue

Not happy about her hair

Family of Three

Pinky the monkey goes everywhere with Avery

The Lupovs