Sorry I have not posted in awhile...I guess this is the quiet phase of pregnancy where this little girl just grows. Things are going well! We went to the doctor a few weeks ago and they took some more pictures of Baby Girl Lupov. She was stubborn yet again and curled up in a little ball and wouldn't move into the position they needed to see her spine. Here is a picture from the visit.

The doctor says everything looks good. She is growing well and is healthy as far as they can tell. She continues to move around and give me some good kicks. Ivan is now able to see her moving - which I think weirds him out a little bit. My belly is growing and things are becoming more uncomfortable. Sleeping has become a bit more challenging, it is hard to find a comfortable position and takes some work to reposition in the middle of the night. My feet are achy and a bit swollen by the end of the day and I have lower back pain which comes and goes. So I am experiencing more joys of being pregnant. Overall, I am feeling good and can't complain.
We have been working more in the nursery and I think we are pretty much done. I finished putting the decals up on the walls and we ended up getting a new crib that will actually turn into a toddler bed. I think the room is ready for a little girl.